ou have a unique skill - count on ours to help insure it.
We have many clients who have opened their own business and grown it into a large success.

This policy provides liability coverage plus the option to cover buildings you own and your business personal property (i.e. tools, desks, laptops, machinery, etc.) We’ll take the time to learn about your business and how it operates.
A commercial umbrella provides an additional layer of liability protection over your Commercial Properties, Business Owners Policy, General/Professional Liability, Commercial Auto and Workers Compensation coverages.
This policy provides coverage for damages to the building, liability protection and business personal property at the location (i.e. lawnmowers, items and/or furniture inside the building owned by the building owner). We can offer competitive pricing and identify any additional coverages you may need.
This policy provides your business operations with liability protection for claims of bodily injury, property damage, personal injury or advertising injury, protecting you from financial loss. We can also add endorsements to help cover your business personal property and equipment and tools.
This policy protects your business by providing coverage for medical bills and lost wages for employees injured while working. We’ll help you understand when this coverage is required by the State of Vermont.
Also known as Error & Omissions. This is a form of liability protection for businesses providing professional advice to their clients. The coverage helps defend a business from a negligence claim made by a client. This also provides coverage for allegations of misrepresentation and inaccurate advice.
We can help write insurance for the individual condo owner, but also for the Condo Association which typically insures the condo buildings and common areas (pools, tennis courts etc.). This type of policy provides coverage for buildings, Directors & Officers coverage and liability and property protection.
This policy provides liability protection to individuals who are Directors & Officers of a company or association. The most common being those holding seats on housing association boards. This policy would help reimburse for loss or defense costs arising from legal action brought against them during their role as a director or officer.
We work to understand your business. This allows us to provide you with the correct coverage for your business, your tools and building materials.
Whether you are a catering business or bar serving Vermont’s finest craft brews, you need liquor liability protection. This helps cover you for claims of overserving patrons or injuries caused by events with alcohol.